Artist talk & Rondleiding

Op zaterdag 26 november is beeldend kunstenaar Jitske Schols aanwezig in Stadsmuseum Harderwijk. Zij vertelt over haar kunstenaarschap, gaat in gesprek met de aanwezigen en leidt hen daarna rond langs haar schilderijen op de tentoonstelling MADAMADAM. Aanvang 14.00 uur in Stadsmuseum Harderwijk. Deelname is gratis op vertoon van een geldig toegangsbewijs en aanmelden is niet nodig. Kijk ook op de site van het museum >>>

Anna Singer Art Exhibition

These two works of mine will participate from 21-27 November in the group show ‘Anna Singer Art exhibition’, an initiative of ‘Stichting Vrienden van Singer Laren’ in the Singer Laren museum. THE EXHIBITIONA large number of contemporary works of art are exhibited during the Anna Singer Art exhibition, organized by Stichting Vrienden van Singer Laren. Works by artists that the Artothek Committee has noticed in the past year because of artistry, originality or otherwise distinctive character, whereby a high quality requirement is central. Anna Singer Art takes place twice a year; in the spring and in the autumn. DE NIEUWE …

Fathers unknown

Jurjentje Rauwerda, the lady who ran the largest and most luxurious brothel in Amsterdam ‘Maison Weinthal’ in the second half of the 19th century, also had children. Before she met Mr. Weinthal with whom she got one child, she already had four, whose fathers were unknown. Two of them sadly passed away early, but the other two are whispered about. Daughter Jacoba (born 1835) is ascribed to the wealthy Mr. Lejeune, a powerful porcelain manufacturer from France. But the story about son Willem (born 1842, Leeuwarden) is even more telling. It is said of him that his father is none …